Assistant Professor, Jeonju University
College of Medical Sciences
Department of Radiological Science
B.S., 2008.02, Fine Chemistry(정밀 화학), Seoul National University of Technology(서울과학기술대학교), Seoul, Korea
M.S., 2010.08, Bioinorganic Chemistry(정밀 화학), Seoul National University of Technology(서울과학기술대학교), Seoul, Korea
Ph.D., 2014.02, Biomedical Engineering(의공물리학), Catholic University of Korea(가톨릭대학교 의과대학), Seoul, Korea
2010.03 - 2014.03 Research Institute of Biomedical Engineering, The Catholic University of Korea
2002.04.22 Radiological technologist(방사선사), No. 17854, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Republic of Korea
2010.11.01 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Specialist(자기공명영상), Korean Radiological Technologist Association
2010.03-2013.02 , Korean Society of Medical Physics(의학물리 정회원)
2002. 4-present Association member, Korean Radiological Technologist Association(방사선사협회)
2015. 5-present Korea Technology and information promotion Agency for SMEs evaluation staff(중소기업진흥원 전문위원)